Occupational and residential data
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- Occupational and residential data
The data collected by the general Constances functioning is enriched by incorporating elements relating to the volunteers’ occupational and residential environments.
Occupational data
On inclusion, volunteers completed their job history indicating all the successive jobs they had held during their career. The aim was to match them to job-exposure matrices (JEMs), databases associating occupations with exposure to occupational risk factors, in order to attribute to each volunteer exposures over his or her entire career. By the end of 2023, job history of 198,255 volunteers, representing a total of 637,149 professional episodes, had been recorded. They were coded according to INSEE’s French classifications. Crosswalks between the French classifications and the international ISCO-68 and ISCO-88 classifications were developed, which enables the job histories database to be available in these three versions.
Residential data
The home address of all volunteers was collected from their invitation to take part in the cohort. Since then, this information has been continuously updated. In addition, 80,600 participants provided their residential history since birth. Addresses are geocoded with a precision indicator ranging from the exact address to the centroid of the zip code.
Geocodes can be used for linkage to environmental databases: outdoor air quality (PM10, PM2.5 particles and various particle components (soot carbon, metals), NO2, O3, SO2, C6H6), greenness (NDVI), agricultural and forest land (CORINE LAND COVER data), blue spaces, water quality (by-products of water decontamination (bromides, chlorides, etc.) and nitrates), ionizing radiation (radon and telluric gamma), index of inhaled and ingested metals (cadmium, lead, nickel), temperature.
They are also used to collect contextual indicators characterizing the socio-economic environment of the place of residence, such as an index of social disadvantage, or an indicator of localized accessibility to healthcare professionals (general practitioners, pediatric psychiatrists, dental surgeons, gynecologists, nurses, physiotherapists, ophthalmologists, midwives, pharmacists).